Sifting through all the non-toxic and zero waste deodorant options can be daunting. Madeleine from The Wise Consumer has done the hard work by testing 9 different brands and providing honest reviews on each. Let’s check them out!
Have you ever switched to a new “natural”, non-toxic, zero waste, or aluminum-free deodorant brand only to be let down!?
Let down because the rave reviews didn’t match your experience. You worried about offending people if you left the house without it.
I’ve been there. Not every non-toxic brand I’ve tried has effectively prevented body odor, even during hot summer runs! Over the years, I’ve tested various natural, zero waste, and non-toxic deodorants. Some worked great, others not so much.
Is aluminum actually harmful to health?
Deciding to go aluminum-free is a personal choice.
Here’s some research on this issue to help you decide.
Aluminum blocks sweat ducts without penetrating skin. This makes it an effective antiperspirant.
According to Penn Medicine, unless you have severe kidney issues, aluminum isn’t a concern.
“Absorption into the bloodstream at a high enough concentration to cause toxicity is unlikely with topical use in the armpits,” says Dr. Susan Massick.
Studies show women who use antiperspirants have more aluminum in breast tissue. But many experts don’t consider this worrisome.
The consensus from organizations like the American Cancer Society and FDA is that aluminum is safe to use.
“No clear link between antiperspirants with aluminum and breast cancer,” states the American Cancer Society.
Personally, I prefer to avoid aluminum. So I use deodorant, not antiperspirant.
With this choice comes the challenge of finding an effective deodorant. It’s not always easy.
Luckily I’ve tested some non-toxic brands over the years. Here’s what I found.
Non-Toxic Deodorant Reviews Ranked Best to Worst
Everyone responds differently to ingredients and products. What didn’t work for me may work great for you.
1. Coconut Matter
One of the best non-toxic and zero-waste deodorants I’ve used is Coconut Matter. First, it’s never failed me, even on hot summer trail runs! Second, I love the smooth, moisturizing texture. This plastic-free deodorant not only smells amazing but leaves my underarms feeling great. And it’s handmade with sustainable, natural ingredients.
Pros: Plastic-Free Compostable Packaging. Organic fair-trade ethically sourced virgin coconut oil.
Cons: Unless you live in Hong Kong, only available online.
Overall Rating: 10/10

2. Native
Native is a popular non-toxic brand, for good reason. Made in the U.S. with safe, effective ingredients, it works great. Native recently launched a plastic-free option that applies smoothly, smells good, and works just like the original. For newbies to non-toxic, zero waste deodorants, start here.
Pros: Works great. New 100% plastic-free option. Many unique scents. Available at major North American retailers like Target.
Cons: Texture isn’t the smoothest, a bit grainy.
Overall Rating: 9.5/10

3. Humble
I was skeptical of Humble’s “made with 4 simple ingredients” claim. Usually those leave me smelly. But I was pleasantly surprised – it worked! I tested the Lavender & Holy Basil scent. It goes on smoothly, lasts all day, and leaves skin moisturized and fresh. The simple, clean ingredients aren’t irritating. They’re working on a plastic-free packaging option.
Pros: Works great. Smells great. Smooth application. Simple, clean ingredients.
Cons: Packaging isn’t plastic-free (yet).
Overall Rating: 9.5/10
4. Meow Meow Tweet
I’ve loved and used this plastic-free brand since starting my plastic-free journey. The deodorants use organic, wild-crafted, and fair-trade ingredients when possible. I ranked it fourth because the grapefruit baking soda-free option didn’t work for me and the texture is a bit rough. But the lavender bergamot stick keeps me fresh all day.
Pros: Packaging is compostable and/or recyclable.
Cons: Baking-soda free option didn’t work. Grainy texture.
Overall Rating: 9/10
5. Hume Supernatural
This is one of my favorite deodorants to apply – so smooth and moisturizing! Other brands feel grainy in comparison. I tested the fragrance-free option, which works well but needs reapplication on hot days. The fragranced version may keep me fresher longer.
Pros: Non-toxic, unique plant-based ingredients.
Cons: Needed to reapply the fragrance-free option. No plastic-free option.
Overall Rating: 8.5/10

6. Earth Mama
Earth Mama products are formulated for sensitive skin and pregnant/nursing moms. Although not my demographic, I tried the Bright Citrus scent. Ladies, it worked! It kept me smelling fresh. My only complaint is the rough, grainy texture that leaves weird residue behind.
Pros: Great for breastfeeding/pregnant women. Works great. Smells great. Organic ingredients.
Cons: Grainy, leaves residue.
Overall Rating: 8/10
7. Schmidt’s
I wish I loved this brand but Schmidt’s caused rashes. Yes, the products smelled great and worked well, but the irritation! I’ve never had armpit rashes like that before. I tried several scents but still got rashes. This deodorant just doesn’t work for me.
Pros: Natural ingredients. Works well. Fun, unique scents.
Cons: Caused extreme rashes. Grainy texture.
Overall Rating: 6/10
8. Pretty Frank
(formerly Primal Paste)
This was my first non-toxic deodorant brand – I was so excited to try it! Unfortunately, so disappointing. It did absolutely nothing for me. Not only ineffective but the texture was grainy and rough. Note: I tested this years ago as Primal Paste. Haven’t tried since the rebrand so the formula may have changed. But I don’t want to waste money testing again.
Pros: Handcrafted in Texas, great mission. Recyclable plastic packaging.
Cons: My brother asked if I was wearing deodorant. Hurt to apply.
Overall Rating: 4/10

9. Alaffia
Fair trade, ethical manufacturing, minority-owned, clean ingredients, handcrafted – Alaffia has everything I value in a brand. Unfortunately this fair trade deodorant just didn’t work for me, even after weeks of testing. I won’t use this deodorant again but Alaffia offers many other great products to support their work.
Pros: Ethical, conscious brand.
Cons: Did not work for me at all.
Overall Rating: 4/10